KRIŠS SALMANIS – Piknik / Picnic

The sculpture shows a person in a hazardous materials suit Hazmat Level A . It is a piece of personal protective equipment that consists of an impermeable whole-body garment worn in toxic environments. The figure is presented in an ordinary outdoor situation: looking at the sea, taking a picture of a cloud, sitting in a swing, holding an unopened lunch box, touching a tree curiously.

Rysunek koncepcyjny projektu Piknik, KRIŠS SALMANIS, fot. KRIŠS SALMANIS, dzięki uprzejmości artysty.

“Whatever happens, nature will come out fine. It is the humans who will suffer.” This quote from a lecture by Professor Jan Marcin Węsławski inspired the artist in this project.

Technique: aluminum, epoxy paint

Suggested dimensions: height about 180 cm

Rysunek koncepcyjny projektu Piknik, KRIŠS SALMANIS, fot. KRIŠS SALMANIS, dzięki uprzejmości artysty.