Financial Support for the Seal Sanctuary
22nd March is the International Day of the Seal. On this occasion, ERGO Hestia has donated PLN 20,000 to the Seal Sanctuary. The donation will support the activities of the centre, which is part of the Professor Krzysztof Skóra Marine Station of the University of Gdańsk Institute of Oceanography.

We invite you to watch the film “Seals, inhabitants of the Baltic Sea”, which was created on the occasion of International Seal Day:
The Seal Sanctuary in Hel has been active for nearly a quarter of a century. It supports the restoration and conservation of grey seals in the southern Baltic region. The population of the species has declined dramatically over the last hundred years as a result of human activity. There are three species of seals in the Baltic: grey seal, common seal, and ringed seal. The idea of a day of the seal originated in the early 1980s.

Let us remember the seals and their plight not only on the International Day of the Seal.